Basic requirements for a Texas LTC are:
No Felony Convictions
No Class A or B Misdemeanors for five years prior to applying for Texas LTC
Legally allowed to purchase handguns
21 years of age or older
18 and older for active duty military
For detailed eligibility requirements follow the link below
Take an LTC class
Class 21-04
Jones Ranch, Caldwell, TX
April 17, 2021​
Check-in: 7:30- 7:45
Course: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
4 / 5 seats filled​​​
Class & Range $65
Class 21-05
Jones Ranch, Caldwell, TX
April 18, 2021​
Check-in: 7:30- 7:45
Course: 8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
4 / 5 seats filled​​​
Class & Range $65
*Steps 2 and 3 may completed in any order
To Apply to DPS for an LTC you will need:
Valid driver license or identification card
Current demographic, address, contact, and employment information,
Residential and employment information for the last five years (new users only),
Information regarding any psychiatric, drug, alcohol, or criminal history,
Valid email address, and
Valid credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express)
All fees paid for application to DPS are non-refundableStep 3 must be completed prior to Step 4 and Step 5
*Steps 2 and 3 may completed in any order
All first time LTC applicants must submit fingerprints to DPS.
Fingerprints must be submitted electronically for LTC applicants.
Unless the applicant qualifies for an alternative fingerprint process under House Bill 698 (83rd Legislature).
LTC applicants must have completed one of the following to schedule an appointment:
An online application must have been submitted, OR
Applicants who submit a paper application must wait to schedule an appointment until confirmation the application has been entered into the LTC database.
No unscheduled walk-in service is available
Use Service Code: 119Q91 when registering for Fingerprints
Submit LTC Application Paperwork to DPS
After completion of an LTC class, you will be issued a Completion Certificate (CHL100) form that must be submitted to the DPS to complete your application process. During the class we will provide detailed instructions regarding all required paperwork including where and/or how to submit it. You have one year from the date of your application to complete your fingerprint appointment and submit your CHL-100 Class Completion Certificate. Your CHL-100 Class Completion Certificate is valid for two years after your LTC class.