If you purchased your firearm online, you will need to have it shipped to an FFL.
Complete your transaction with the seller/dealer. Then send an email to including
items 1-3.
A description of the firearm(s) including order or auction #’s.
Seller’s information including: business/person name, telephone number and email address.
Your contact information including legal name, telephone number and email address.
When we receive the information in numbers 1-3, we will contact the seller/dealer.
Please forward any shipping information to:
When your firearm arrives, we will perform the required BATF process, i.e. serial number verification and entering the firearm into our Acquisition & Disposition log.
Once the required BATF FFL paperwork is done, we will contact you to schedule an appointment to pick up your firearm.
Transfer Fee:
Is due for each firearm when the FBI NICS background check is initiated.
Is due, even if the FBI NICS background check returns a delayed status
When the delayed FBI NICS background check is cleared to proceed, we will e-mail you to come in, complete your paperwork, and take possession of your firearm.
Is due even if the FBI NICS background check returns a denied status. The transferee (buyer) is also responsible for the cost of returning the firearm to the seller.
Non- Approved FFL transfers are subject to being refused or incurring a fee of 10% of price of the gun