Handgun Proficiency Demonstration
Range Scoring
The B-27 target is 45" high by 24" wide.
The inner scoring ring is approximately 18" high by 12" wide and counts 5 points.
Shots within the next scoring ring count 4 points, and hits in the outer target zone count 3 points. Shots falling outside of the silhouette outline, do not count.
A score of 70%, or 175 points of a possible 250, is required to pass.
Course of Fire
3 yard line - 20 shots:
​1 shot in 2 seconds, 5 times
2 shots in 3 seconds, 5 times
5 shots in 10 seconds, once
7 yard line - 20 shots:
5 shots in 10 seconds, once
1 shot in 3 seconds, 5 times
2 shots in 4 seconds, once
3 shots in 6 seconds, once
5 shots in 15 seconds, once
15 yard line - 10 shots:
2 shots in 6 seconds, once
3 shots in 9 seconds, once
5 shots in 15 seconds, once